Quick and Dirty Prototyping…

October 11, 2006

We’re forever going round and round with folks on layout of a web page. Yes, we’re the designers. Yes, we know what we’re doing. *mumbles* “Hello Mr. Accessibily and Mrs. Standards – sorry we kicked your shins but, ultimately, “they” get what they want and we get to keep working here.” Where was I…oh yes, layout. Now you can prototype in your browser!! Check out this little number called Frametastic. It’s not perfect by any means and certainly not a replacement for real mockups but I’ve already got it up on our internal server and I’m sure that I’ll be using it in the next couple of days to get my points across.

The (Too) Busy Reader…

October 2, 2006

Most people that know me are aware that I’m a pretty prolific reader but I’m always looking for a way to squeeze a little more into the compressed time that I already have. There are a few books that are out in the public domain that I’ve been wanting to (re)read but haven’t been able to because of time constraints so I’m going to try out DailyLit. Basically, they email you a section of the book and then you can read it a little bit at a time. Like the saying goes, “The way you eat an elephant is one bite at a time.”