Dallas Code Camp…

June 26, 2006

It was a busy weekend as I spent all of Saturday at the Dallas Code Camp. If you're not familiar with the code camp concept (see sidebar), it's basically one day, free (as in beer) band camp for geeks. There were 26 presentations split into 4 sessions – it was a big opportunity to find folks with knowledge in areas that you're lacking and pick their brains.

Not all the presentations were great but they were certainly informative and/or useful on some level. I managed to catch up with Karthik, a friend I met thru regular DDNUG meetings. I also met Tim Rayburn – he did a bit on BizTalk that was an excellent introduction for a novice like me and he even took the time to talk with me afterwards to help me understand the limitations and needs of a BizTalk project. Come to find out he's also a dev for the NUnit project so he and I had quite a bit to talk about. I really hope to keep in touch with him moving forward as he's a knowledgeable and friendly guy.

The whole experience was great and really made me realize what a wealth of knowledge our community has to offer. I managed to not only walk away with additional knowledge but several ideas for presentations that I'm going to attempt to develop over the next few months. Who knows, maybe next time I'll be lucky enough to give a talk. 🙂 

The New Desktop – BumpTop

June 22, 2006

There are always efforts to make us more productive digitally thru emulation of our real world. This project, called BumpTop, takes that effort and pushes it a little further. (Video)

Krugle Opens Up…

June 20, 2006

After a number of rounds of betas, which I was fortunate enough to be a part of, Krugle has officially opened it's doors. If you're not using it now for your code searches, you should. FireFox plug-in for Krugle searching is on it's way – honest!

YAGNI, a Bit of Agile Humor…

June 20, 2006

Ran across this post and had to preserve it for later reference. I wonder if I could get a T-Shirt made…
(Nod to Scott Belware for the link) 

A CoLT Is Born…

June 2, 2006

Ok, so it's not just born but it's new to me and I needed a snazzy subject so lay off. 🙂 So here's an extremely handy little Firefox plugin called CoLT (Copy Link Text). So many times I attemp to click and highlight a link because I need the text of it (not the URL) and end up clicking on the stupid link.